Friday, October 16, 2015

My First Graphic Design Project - Letter Project

 1. On the left is a picture of my thumbnail sketches, or my ideas. I  ended up choosing one suggested by a classmate and one I felt  would represent my interests. The thumbnail sketches did not help  me much because I had already had the two ideas I drafted in mind.  I really liked the draft with the Korean flag and so I chose that idea  as my final. K was my assigned letter and K represented my  interests in South Korean culture, pop, and more.

 2. To represent my passion for Korean culture, inside the K I drew  the South Korean flag into it and the Korean words on the side of  the K mean Republic of Korea. On the side of the K is a chibi  version of my role model and favorite idol. She is the leader of the  girl group, Girls' Generation. I chose that certain chibi because she  was wearing a hanbok, traditional clothing of Koreans.

 3. The overall project did not challenge me. The only part I spent a  lot of time on was the flag part. I needed the lines at the top of the  flag to align with the lines on the bottom. Having the lines in a  similar angle also took a lot of time. That part was challenging  because in order to fit the flag into the K without making it look  weird, I needed the stretch the flag vertically.

 4. I am satisfied with my project. I liked how it represented my  interests in a simple way. I felt if anyone were to look at my  project, they would be able to have an overall idea of my concept.

 5. As I am satisfied with my project, there would not be anything I  want to change. If I were to choose something to add though, I  would somehow include something to show more of my interest in  K-pop.

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