Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol GIF

  The concept of this GIF is having lyrics to my favorite song coming  out of headphones. The GIF expresses my love for music. Since I  have a big obsession for K-Pop, I decided to show that through this  GIF. At first only the lyrics were moving but then I decided to have  the mouth sing along. The lip movements correspond to each of the  lyrics. There is additional movement and that also shows that I sing  along to my favorite song.

  Photoshop had only made my idea more lively. My thumbnail and  post-it note sketches were too plain because there was no actual  movement. Through Photoshop, I could see the change in  movement while working on the GIF.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


 My first GIF-making is of my extremely adorable baby cousin >.<

Monday, November 23, 2015

Aj da Rush - Portrait Transformation Project

  My goal was to incorporate my friends into a game I really like  playing. A friend of mine is a runner and so I thought it was a  wonderful idea to use her in this project. I tried aiming for a more  silly concept, which explains why there is a face on a sun in the  corner and the three heads with the cars.

  I am really happy with the results because it looks really silly.  However, I think I might have put too many people or heads into  the picture. Everything looks kind of crammed together. But my  friends are all beautiful so it doesn't matter ^.^

  Using tools and making image adjustments was very important. As  you can see, the photo of my friend in a running pose was darker  than the other photos. First I used the Curves to make the photo  brighter in the darker spots. That made it easier for me to use the  Quick Selection Tool to select only my friend and then copy her  onto the Minion Rush background. Curves helped even out the  lighting of the different pictures I used in the project so one head  is not brighter or darker than the others.

Friday, October 16, 2015

My First Graphic Design Project - Letter Project

 1. On the left is a picture of my thumbnail sketches, or my ideas. I  ended up choosing one suggested by a classmate and one I felt  would represent my interests. The thumbnail sketches did not help  me much because I had already had the two ideas I drafted in mind.  I really liked the draft with the Korean flag and so I chose that idea  as my final. K was my assigned letter and K represented my  interests in South Korean culture, pop, and more.

 2. To represent my passion for Korean culture, inside the K I drew  the South Korean flag into it and the Korean words on the side of  the K mean Republic of Korea. On the side of the K is a chibi  version of my role model and favorite idol. She is the leader of the  girl group, Girls' Generation. I chose that certain chibi because she  was wearing a hanbok, traditional clothing of Koreans.

 3. The overall project did not challenge me. The only part I spent a  lot of time on was the flag part. I needed the lines at the top of the  flag to align with the lines on the bottom. Having the lines in a  similar angle also took a lot of time. That part was challenging  because in order to fit the flag into the K without making it look  weird, I needed the stretch the flag vertically.

 4. I am satisfied with my project. I liked how it represented my  interests in a simple way. I felt if anyone were to look at my  project, they would be able to have an overall idea of my concept.

 5. As I am satisfied with my project, there would not be anything I  want to change. If I were to choose something to add though, I  would somehow include something to show more of my interest in  K-pop.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Summer 2015

 A majority of my vacation spent in China with amazing views and  relatives I had no impressions of.

  I had to wake up at 5:30 to catch this sunrise. Unfortunately,  the clouds were blocking the sun!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! My  cousins and I did have a really good time on the beach though.  We even drove beach buggies, or whatever they're called...

 Also visited many amazing waterfalls that were too beautiful  to even describe =O The video is not in HD but the views were  absolutely amazing and the sound of the water falling was  music to the ears.

 And finally... after returning from China, I spent most of  August with some of my craziest but wonderful cousins. There  isn't a time with them that isn't enjoyable. MUCH  SARANG♥♥~~


 Hi^^ My name is Vivian and this is my blog for graphic design class.  Please look forward to my future posts~ Bye bye!!☺